A primary emphasis of North Center is to get our citizens out into the local community as much as possible. Toward this end they make regular trips to community stores, libraries, park districts, bowling alleys, museums, restaurants, and community events.
Leisure program consist of an After-Care Program from 2:30-5:00pm and Saturday Program from 8:30-1:30pm.
The After Care Program is designed to provide after care and leisure/recreational activities to individuals who have a developmental disability who attend a variety of different programs in the city of Chicago. It assists families with working parents by providing late afternoon programming. This also helps reduce friction between the individuals and any non-disabled siblings. It assist with the individual development of these clients by giving them increased opportunities for social development. This program also emphasizes getting our consumers out into the local community as much as possible. They make frequent trips to community sites and cultural attractions.
The Saturday Leisure Program has the same types of goals and objectives as the After Care Program. However, the service is provided on Saturdays. Twice a month the program meets and takes consumers on a field trip to some place within the Chicago area. One regular part of this program is having lunch at local restaurants. Consumers participate as much as possible by selecting and ordering their own meals, handling the money, paying the bill themselves and acting appropriately during the meal.